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Making the home green energy efficient: lighting 0

Posted on 10, July 2013

in Category Home, News, Real Estate

Living green isn’t only the right thing to do…it’s also the smart thing to do. Lighting Brightly lit homes show off the houses design features. Learning to use light wisely creates great effects and saves energy. Lighting is an effectual approach to produce green energy efficient homes. Lighting makes up almost 15% of average Sacramento California home’s electrical use, so paying attention to your home’s lighting design can be advantageous to your bottom line. Incorporating new lighting technologies can reduce lighting energy use by over 50%. Lighting Design •    Don’t assume every room needs overhead lighting. Lamp lighting is more [&hellip

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Making the home green energy: landscaping 0

Posted on 9, July 2013

in Category Home, News, Real Estate

Living green isn’t only the right thing to do…it’s also the smart thing to do. Landscaping California is a wonderful place to live. One of the little things that make this part of the world so nice is the landscaping around people’s homes. Landscaping is a powerful method to create a green energy home. It’s a well-known fact that energy conservation and efficiency efforts are good for the future of our planet. In addition to being good for our planet, did you know these same efforts can be good for our pocketbooks? Taking steps to minimize energy consumption can often [&hellip

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Making the home green energy: cooling 0

Posted on 5, July 2013

in Category Home, News

Living green isn’t only the right thing to do…it’s also the smart thing to do. Cooling In California heating and cooling is likely your largest energy expense so changes made here may have the biggest impact on your budget. Heating and cooling costs comprise 50% or more of the average American utility bill. One of the best ways to curb heating and cooling bills is to use a programmable digital thermostat set to accommodate your family’s schedule. The thermostat will automatically raise and lower temperatures as needed, conserving energy and keeping your home at comfortable temperature levels. In Sacramento the [&hellip

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Staging house Sale 0

Posted on 1, July 2013

in Category Home, Selling property

Setting the Stage for a Successful House Sale Three words best describe home preparation: Clean, Bright and Uncluttered. Focus the majority of your efforts into getting your home as clean as possible and into making rooms look light and bright and clutter free. When it comes to cleaning, pay special attention to the kitchen and bathrooms. Potential buyers will be looking closely at these areas, so keep them as fresh as possible during the listing period. Declutter! You don’t want to move all that stuff anyway, so now is the time to hold a yard sale or donate to local [&hellip

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6 reasons professional real estate agent 0

Posted on 28, June 2013

in Category Home, Real Estate, Selling property

6 reasons to hire a professional real estate agent Is your family growing? Need more space? Is it time to downsize? Or have you taken a new job in a new city? Whatever the reason for moving, the prospect of putting your home on the market can seem a bit overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Your real estate professional can guide you through the process, tell you what to expect and offer helpful suggestions. Regardless of how much the internet has changed the way we buy things, including homes, some constants still remain. Yes, you can sell or [&hellip

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Kyle Darrow real estate 0

Posted on 26, June 2013

in Category Home, News, Real Estate

Housing Sacramento Magazine  Kyle Darrow Kyle Darrow CEO of CLA Reality and California Loan Associates share his insight into real estate. As a real estate professional, you’ve handled transactions across northern California’s post real estate bubble, how do you see the real estate market going forward? Inventory is extremely low right now, but so are interest rates.  This creates a unique situation that is supporting housing prices and even causing them to increase.  Many homes are selling in 30 days or less, and Sacramento is in the top ranks for properties getting offers within 24 hours of coming onto the [&hellip

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Haunted houses 0

Posted on 17, June 2013

in Category Home, News

Haunted houses can be a big problem in real estate Haunting, ghost sightings and any other unexplained events which could impact the value of the property must be disclosed. These Phenomena events create a stigmatized property. Laws in California mandate disclosers. That means even if a person does not believe in ghosts, but the property has a reputation for being haunted by ghosts, it still must be disclosed. This could have a significate impact on price and the ability to sell the property. Haunted houses can have a bearing on a person’s peace of mind. This can have legal and [&hellip

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North Highlands neighborhood 0

Posted on 29, May 2013

in Category Communities, Home, Mortgage, Real Estate

North Highlands neighborhood update HousingSacramento.com updated the community of North Highlands with much more neighborhood information. Check out the new and improved North Highlands page. Also if you have some insights on the North Highlands part of Sacramento County please let us Know. North Highlands, California’s zip code is 95660 and it is in the unincorporated area of Sacramento County. North Highlands can make a wonderful community to make a home. The attraction of North Highlands is the affordable neighborhoods.  This draws first-time home buyers, move-up buyers, and investors to North Highlands. North Highlands’ property styles vary from ranch style [&hellip

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Sacramento housing growth 0

Posted on 17, May 2013

in Category Home, Mortgage, News, Real Estate

Housing is in Bloom The nation’s housing sector is buzzing like bees in springtime. And indeed, housing has historically boosted the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and job creation, which are key stimulators and indicators of economic health. When GDP is referenced in news media, it means the total goods and services produced by labor and property in the U.S. This figure is measured quarterly, and recent figures show that GDP increased impressively at 3.1 percent in the 1st quarter of 2013, up from 0.4 percent in the last quarter of 2012. Sales of previously-owned houses increased three straight months [&hellip

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Home Ownership Perks 0

Posted on 15, May 2013

in Category Home, News, Real Estate

Home Ownership Perks Home ownership has financial advantages. One of the biggest and most recognizable homeowner perk is the mortgage interest tax deduction. This supports home ownership with a tax advantage. Home ownership helps build community and a tax base. Read more at: https://housingsacramento.com/blog/real-estate/homeownership-benefits In addition, assuming the property meets the requirements, property taxes paid for the main resident home and a vacation home are deductible for income tax purposes. Also, as long the home owner occupied the house as a primary residence for two of the past five years, the capital gain up to $250,000 for an individual or [&hellip

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