What is a good horse ranch?
A good horse ranch meets the goals of the owners. Horse properties is about the health, well-being and training of the horse. Training a horse to make the Rolex is much different than to ride the Tevis cup challenge competition. The variety of the training facilities is based on the goals of the property owner.
The location of the horse ranch
The key to understanding the location is all about local knowledge. Finding a local real estate team who are experts in horse properties will pay big dividends when searching the local landscape for that perfect equine home.
Sacramento horse ranches will have different challenges and features than a Placer County ranch. Sacramento deals with high heat in the summer and the horses will need a place to cool off. In the foothills flat land is at a premium. Also equestrian property near riding trails make horse ownership very rewarding. The equestrian communities California help with enjoying horse ownership.
What are the features of a horse ranch?
The basic features of a horse ranch are barn, pasture, paddock, training area, fencing, feed and hay storage areas and of course a home for people to live in. All of these facets can be highly specialized or very basic just depending on the desires and budget of the property owner. The equestrian property in California can be very high end estates or very practical residences. Other features like wash racks and hitching post add safety and convenience to a horse property.
What are the marks of a quality barn in a horse ranch?

The central point of most horse ranches is the barn. The horses live in the barn. Morning begins in the stable facilities at the barn. Every morning seeing the horses is one of the pleasures of having a horse farms. Horse barns for sale near me and horse realtors help with finding quality horse property. Sometimes when boarding your horse, days can go by without seeing them.
Feeding and caring for ponies, foals, horses many times happens in the barn. Foals can be born in a barn. The barn also houses the horse equipment. The barn is where you, on a stormy night, go to check on the horses. The barn is truly a shelter in the storm.
Barns are a special part of a equestrian estates. Some barns are painted to be works of art. But other barns have had all their paint worn away. Some barns look like they house million dollar horses and others block some wind and most of the rain.
Barns can be very expensive to build and the future needs like grooming pens can add value. Knowing what type of barn fits best with the horse owner’s needs is the key to finding the just right horse property. The type of barn is just one part of a horse property checklist.
There are many things to consider when buying a Sacramento or Placer County Ca property for a family and horses. Organizing a horse property buyer’s check list can help with discovering the perfect horse farm for the family and horses. Check out one of the most complete horse property check lists.
How does the Pasture impact the horse property?
Pastures are an expression of the horse property. Pastures are the places where the animals spend a lot of their day. Pastures can be rolling hills or fenced off blocks of area looking like horse cubicles. Horse are hoofed mammal which can be hard on the land. The grazing pastures should stand up to these herbivorous plant-eating animal. Pasture management is an integral part of raising horses. A good forage management program will not only sustain healthy horses but also provide economic longevity for healthy pastures. An equestrian business, horse breeder or simply horse lover all want quality pastures.

Seeing horses running across a pasture is one of the highlights of owning equine acreage. Feeling the ground pulse as the horses thunder by is feeling nature from the ground up. It is a sensation of power and awe.
Pastures create a connection to the land, balancing what the horses take and what the land can give. The stability of the land, water and plant life all come together in harmony to create a pasture that is another joy of horse estate ownership and other wildlife.
How to design the horse training areas?
Horse training areas are one of the paradoxes of life on a house ranch. Work and play join together in the training areas. There is no question that a lot of work goes on in a round pen or arena. But when that horse achieves the desired action, the satisfaction of it is more like play then work.

Some of the best times spent on the ranch are in the training areas. They create horse together time. In some training, the two become one. The mount and rider learn each other in the training areas. Horses domesticated animals but they need a lot of teaching, exercise, coaching, tutoring, friendship and love to be the best they can be.
Arenas and round pens bring life to horse properties. They are relationship builders. They develop new skills both in the horse and the trainer. They are the place, after months of work, it happens.
Every horse breed has its own experience and therefore needs its own training areas. English and western each have their own requirements in the training areas. Gated, work horses, rescue, and trail horses all need training facilities. Training areas are as unique as the horse and the owners.
Keys to Understanding Arena Footing
Arenas have many different looks and options that make them special and unique to their owner. One of the main features is their footing. The arena footing is the most or one of the most important parts of an arena.
The footing makes a huge difference to the horse and rider. The type of footing depends on what the arena is used for. Regardless of what you are doing in the arena, the footing must be good. There are many types of footings and depths.

Arenas can have just standard arena sand. Horses need to have a good stable platform in order to perform at their best. The usual arena sand depth is between two and four inches deep. This makes a nice soft footing, but also makes them feel secure. For some western sports such as barrel racing, they want a little bit deeper so that the horse has more sand to dig in to.
If the sand is too deep, then horses run the risk of a bowed tendon. Many people would say to ride on the wet part of a beach instead of the dry soft deep stuff, to keep their horses legs safe. Arena depth is a key point in arenas.
The next part of the arena footing is what it actually is. You can use just plain arena sand. This is the cheapest option and it works well. Many of the horses do just fine with normal sand. When you use arena sand, it tends to be a dusty unless watered with sprinklers often. Some sports like jumping like their footing to have a little more spring.
One of the coolest arena footings is when they add rubber to the arena sand. The rubber is usually one hundred percent recycled car tire rubber. This rubber is in small one to two inch long stripes and small cube shapes. The rubber adds a bounce that makes the horse look lighter when they are doing dressage and makes the take-off and landing for a jump easier on the horse. This rubber can come in either black or a verity of other colors.
One of the down sides to rubber is that it has a tendency to separate from the sand. After several days of riding, it can sometimes move to the top of the sand. Once the rubber is mostly on the top of the sand it can be hard to get a light fluffy feel unless it is dragged just the right way.
Using little bits of cloth in the arena sand is becoming very popular. The small strips of cloth create a nice cushion and helps give the horse a stable platform. It doesn’t give the same amount of spring as does the rubber, but it adds just enough to the plain sand.
One really nice thing about the cloth is that it holds the water in it once it is sprinkled; this helps tremendously in making the arena not dusty. Another type of footing that does this is processed wood. The stringy wood mixes in the sand and helps keep the dust down. There are more types of arena footing, but these are of the most common types.
The horse estate fencing frames the property
Since the pastures are the picture of the horse ranches, the fencing is the frame. The fencing tells a story about the ranch. The bright white rails framing all aspects of the ranch display the property in a formal well-ordered way. A purposeful horse ranch with basic fences speaks of a practical narrative.

Fences can be simple wire on driven in stakes to custom crafted wooden works of art. Fences can protect horses from many dangers or become a danger to the horse. The safety elements of horse fencing are about design, installation, materials and maintenance.
Fences are more than looks only. They are the foremost safety element of the horse ranch. Building a safe environment for the horses is the desire of equine property owners. The direct care and safety are leading reasons why people want to own a horse ranch. Fences play a big part in horse land ownership.
Fences Add Value and Safety to Horse Properties
There are many types of fences for horse property. The fence that keeps your horse safe and secure is a very valuable part of the horse property. All horse fencing should be around five feet or taller. One of the most iconic fencing types is the three tiered white fencing that is a classic of horse property. This type of fence is usual a sturdy wood fence.
This nice wood fence looks great and is a safe way to keep your special horse secure. This fence however, requires a lot of maintenance. It must be painted regularly and when the posts rot, it must be replaced quickly, otherwise it becomes a hazard to the horses and people. Nails also tend to come loose. You can also buy vinyl fencing which is a plastic version of the wood white fence. This has no nails and there is no need of paint. It stays beautiful and white from the day you get until that day you take it down. Horses tend to figure out pretty quickly that this fence is fragile and they can push on it and break it, leaving with a chance to get into trouble.

The metal pipe fencing is a very sturdy fencing that doesn’t need much maintenance and lasts for a very long time. It tends to be sturdy and is very versatile in where and how it is used. This fence is relatively light and can be locked together in a simple square or span the length of the pasture. It can be kind of pricey and since it comes in short lengths you have to have many sections to make even a small round pen. They will last for years on end and you can move them with ease to create a small foal pasture, then back again when they are grown.
Another fence that is very useful is horse no-climb. This fence is made up of small metal strands that are welded in a pattern that is about three by two inch rectangles. This fence is held up by fence posts and is very useful when spanning long stretches of pasture. The small size of the rectangles keep horses from getting their hooves stuck in it. This is a more permanent type of fencing compared to the piping. This type of fence is very sturdy and doesn’t need a lot of maintenance.
There are many many types of horse fencing. All have their ups and downs. There are also wide varieties of electric options that you can add to existing fences or rely just on them. One fence that should never be used for horses is barbed wire. This fence works great for cattle. It should not be used for horses because it is hard to see and horses get into great running races and don’t look to see what is in front of them. They can run right into them. Horse hide is much thinner then cow’s and they will get cut easily. Horses love to stick their heads through to get the grass on the other side of the fence. They can become tangled easily in it and you will come out and find an injured, tangled up horse that requires medical assistance.
Horses are very special animals that need proper fencing. There are many great choices to choose from. Make sure and choose wisely the fence that best suits your needs.
What to look for in a horse tack area?
The tack area of a horse ranch can make life easy or difficult. Keeping horse tack clean and ready to use is a big job. Having a tack area that will keep it clean and readily available is a major benefit.
The tack area should be large enough to work on the tack and store them properly. This saves time and frustrations. Horse bridles, saddles, blankets, halters, and all the rest are amazing tools and it’s nice to appreciate them in a well-organized tack room. And having a safe and secure place to store and display them, adds value to any home.
The lay out of the feed and hay area of the horse ranch

Horses eat a lot of nutrition each day. They are big animals and boarding them is a big part of equestrian property. Having a hay barn and feed area that is the right size and easy to use will make the daily tasks so much simpler.
Feed and hay areas should keep the food dry and be easy to load into also. Grasses, hay, grain and supplements will help maintain horse health. Create an effective animal care with a well laid out barn.
How important is the horse waste removal area of the land?

What goes into the horse comes out differently. A good waste removal system can make the daily chore more acceptable. Waste can build to a powerful odor that takes some of the joy away from being with horses. Having the area away from the barn will help to mitigate the smell of animal’s waste and will add much to the everyday environment.
Horse ranches that deal effectively with the waste issue also reduce the fly and other insect problems. There are many health benefits for both people and the animals to properly dealing with the waste matter. The equine community is know for quality rural properties and dealing with horse waste could help the agricultural land.
How to find the right ranch home?

The home of a horse ranch is a major advantage of owning a equestrian property. Horse ranch homes have room around them. The home can be small or large and spread out. The ability to have the dream home is a major allure of horse properties.
Horse estate homes can handle a large family or even multi-generational families. Houses can have a country feel or be very formal. Horse owners range from very casual to high societal. The house can be in the center of the horse property. Or the house can be a short quad ride to the barn.
The real estate listings in Sacramento County and Placer County ca can have large acres good for a grazing pasture or a small ranchette.
You can even use your veterans benefits to buy horse property.
Find the equestrian property that is right for horse owners is about discovering whether you are a horse breeder, equestrian business or simply horse lover looking for stable facilities, grooming pens or grazing pasture for your own horses.
Outdoor living is a core benefit of owning a horse ranch. The space around the home becomes part of the living area. Many homes have areas for outdoor cooking and barbecue, entertaining, sitting areas to enjoy nature and read, lawns, gardens, play grounds and many more types of outdoor space. Living outdoors becomes just as home as the house.
How to find horse properties?

Finding horse properties in Sacramento County, Placer County and as far away as San Diego county is our job. Information on equestrian estates can be hard with the massiveness of data. Coffee Real Estate has quality information about horse ranch properties and our specialist equestrian property agents can find the right property for you and your horses. You should base your property size on how many horses you plan to keep.
Sharing a home with horses makes a connection to nature. Horses have a unique relationship with people. An investment in equine real estate will be one of the most significant financial decisions you will make in your lifetime. Their intelligence and power are gracefully displayed every day. Their daily needs connect horse caregivers with life’s cycles. The reward of living with your horse is a daily bond that is rewarding to the person and the horse.
What type of horse properties are right for you?

Finding a Sacramento horse properties for sale can be a challenge. Real estate professional are here to help answer the questions about local horse ranches. Northern California horse property real estate specialist agents at Coffee Real Estate are more than willing to help find the perfect horse ranch. We have the information and resources to assist horse owners locate the precise horse ranch to fit their family and horse needs. Dealing with a quality brokerage firms like Coffee Real Estate is a good step to find the right horse estate for you.
We will answer questions about how to choose the right equestrian property for your family and horse needs. Equestrian real estate are as much about a life style as it is a place to live. When purchasing an equestrian property, you should perform an inspection before closing the deal.
What makes for a good horse ranch for you?
Let us find the answer together
Horse properties sold by Dan Parisi – Coffee Real Estate

Country Home – Horse Ranchette
Foothills of Northern California
Nestled in the oaks this Placer County home is country living at its best. The horse ranchette has flat acreage suitable for horses and many other animals. This sought after Auburn neighborhood is on a Cul-de-sac for even more privacy. You can have a horse property for rent as an investment. Coffee Real Estate expertise, professionalism and knowledge of both real estate and horses makes the perfect combination. The listing broker has offer accurate data on this equestrian estate. One major key to property listings is identified prospective properties consumers to marketing directly to them.

Gold County horse ranch combines an open concept country home, 20+ acres land & amazing views into dream home. The completely remodeled home includes a new roof, AC & heating system, custom textured drywall, brilliant kitchen, inviting living area & comfy master suite. The land is framed by new white vinyl fencing. There are equine property for rent in Nevada and California. The horse ranch, farm or winery is an exceptional find. Discover more notable foothill equine property with Coffee Real Estate.